Thursday, January 23, 2014



what did i learn today?

research design

first we define the problem, then we design research to address the problem, then comes field work and then analysis of the data we have compiled.

define the problem correctly, narrow it.

case of Dell Questionnaire:
ways to count data: 1) we can count the frequency in each question e.g. 1st question , count frequency on side.
Another way is to think about segments: age, gender... then count data after dividing into two or more segments.

or we can group together variables
e.g. satisfaction, recommendation, repeat customer

best case 1,1,1
worst case 4,5,5

so we take 15-(1+1+1) = 12 best
and 15-(4+5+5) = 1 worst
and if say these three variables gave us 3,4,5 then we have 15-(3+4+5) = 3
so we are consolidating scores from 3 variables into 1 variable i.e. the "overall" variable

take price sensitive data
take correlation of price + satisfaction
then  we see segments and see patterns among segments, satisfaction (overall) and price.

in Dell questionnaire we see that the set of Questions deal with: demographics
price sensitivity
early adoption
image of Dell

6 pieces of information survey that come out of it

Hypothesis: can be about customer loyalty, customer knowledge about environment, is customer early adopter?

then we move on to the mathematical model which was not covered in today's class.

OB 1
what did i learn today?

is lying ok?

regarding the articles:
contextualized B

big B - emphasizes interesting behavior that may be relevant for organizations.
is the subject advancing the field? i.e. is it passing the core competence test?

escalation of commitment: OB equivalent of sunk cost
you took a decision, it is going wrong, you deny and become even more committed to it.

contextualized B - behavior in an organizational context
it does not pass centrality test. every behavior is not central to organization.

the Author argues that simply bringing context in studying behavior is not enough.

Big B and contextualized B have trade deficit e.g. you use psychology but don't give to that field in return.
psychology moves on but your return is not sufficient.

Big O - behavior that is central to organizing.

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